3 Quick Tips To Pick The Perfect Gift For Your Teams And Clients | The Giving Tree
Are you a passionate HR head struggling to find the right gifts for your teams and clients? Then this blog is for you.
Giving a gift is main stream to most cultures around the world and one that is meant to bring joy to the recipient. In over two decades of being in the gifting industry, I’ve noticed HR heads getting really stressed about what gift to give.
Here are 3 tips to pick the perfect gift for your teams and clients -
Utility — Pick a gift that is high in utility value. This means the recipient has a need for it and is happy to use it over and over again and for a long period of time. Giving a gift with your branding on it adds more value.
Delight — Once you’ve taken care to identify a gift with utility value, you now move on creating delight. Some gifts are big. Some gifts are small. The ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all. Size of the gift does not matter, what matter is the intent with which you are giving the gift. Along with your brand on the gift, if you add a personalised note with the recipient’s name, then you know for sure they are going to be delighted to receive such a gift. It shows you genuinely care about them.
Quality — the first two tips are useless, if you don’t follow this one. Quality is a given…but are you willing to pay for it? Imagine a gift with your logo on it, with the name of the recipient too…and then it hits the garbage bin within a few uses. Nothing knocks down your reputation faster than giving a gift that is of bad quality. It reflects badly on your organization and personally on you too. Spend your money wisely by investing in high quality gifts — always.
Bonus tip — when all the 3 tips are used well, something even better happens. The recipient feels delighted and special and as a result uses your gift very well. What this means for you is — Greater brand recall, having the recipient feeling connected to the brand and superb Return on Time and Money Invested! And mother earth loves this too — cause you are saving the landfills from collecting more junk.
If you liked this blog, please like, comment and share with decision makers in your team, so they can spend the company’s resources on the right things and spread joy through meaningful gifts, one recipient at a time!
Leena Munot
The Giving Tree
Originally published at https://www.thegivingtree.in on February 24, 2020.