Why I Am A Fan Of Lean Teams!

Leena Munot
2 min readJan 27, 2023

Having lean teams internally and outsourcing the rest to the best, has been my favourite working model since the day we started The Giving Tree in 1997. While many argue that a big team is a must, I feel, every small business needs to fully optimise its current capabilities before hiring more.

Here are my top learnings from being a lean team
🚀 Faster decision-making: With fewer people to consult, our decision making is faster and has lesser decision making fatigue.

⚡ Greater flexibility: Thanks to our lean size, we have been able to pivot quickly when necessary.

👨‍🏭 Contract workers: This has helped us optimize our production capability during peak seasons and keep our payroll overheads low during the rest of the year.

🏋‍♀️ Increased efficiency: With fewer people, there is less chance for duplication of effort, which can lead to greater productivity.

😎 Better communication: Small teams tend to have better communication and collaboration as everyone is aware of what others are working on.

🍭 Easier to manage: Small teams are often easier to manage as there are fewer people to keep track of and less need for complex organizational structures.

⌛ Greater accountability: With fewer people, each individual has a greater sense of responsibility, takes up more owenrship of the project they are working on and are more likely to be held accountable for their work.

❤ Close knit: This one is my favourite — I love how everyone in my team supports one another, truly cares about each other and comes together like an army when deadlines are to be met.

💲 Cost-effective: Small teams often have lower overhead costs as they require less office space, equipment, and other resources.

In the picture are my rockstars! A big shout to all of you in the team! You make The Giving Tree what it is today. Makes me feel super lucky and blessed to be part of a team where there is so much to learn each day.

Curious to know what lean teams mean to you and any more points you’d like to add to the above.



Leena Munot

Entrepreneur, Blogger, Speaker, Author - but mostly a Dreamer!